Home Remedies For Obesity

Home Remedies For Obesity

Home Remedies For Obesity

Obesity is described as a condition characterized by excessive storage of fat in the body. It is usually results from consumption of food in excess such as oily food, junk food, etc. Obesity is mostly seen in western countries people. It is an serious health hazard as the extra fat puts strain on the heart, kidneys and liver as well as the extra weight puts more pressure on hips, knees and ankles. Over weight persons are susceptible to several diseases like heart failure, high blood pressure, diabetes, gout, liver and gall-bladder disorders. Chief cause of obesity is over eating and disturbance of the thyroid or pituitary glands. Obesity is determined by measuring a person's BMI (Body Mass Index). The BMI between 18.5 and 25 is considered as okay, but if your BMI is above 30 then you are considered obese.

Here is the BMI Formula
?BMI= (Weight in lbs / (Height in inches x Height in inches)) x 703

Natural Ways To Defeat Obesity And Become Healthier

Lime Juice-Honey
Fasting on lime juice-honey water is highly recommended in the case of obesity. Take one tea spoon of fresh honey mixed with a juice of half lime in a glass of lukewarm water and have this juice at regular Intervals. Take this mix in the morning on empty stomach for better noticeable results.

Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is another effective remedy for obesity. On the first day , the patient should be given nothing but plenty of water. On the second day, the diet should consist of 3 lemons mixed with an equal amount of water. Subsequently Increase lemons to 12 per day and then the number of lemons should be decreased  in the same order until 3 lemons are taken in a day. First 2- 3 days patient may feel weak, after that his condition will stabilize.

This is one of the best natural remedy for obesity. Take handful of jujube leaves or Indian plum and soaked in the water over night. Take this water in the morning. It is advised to be taken on empty stomach, so that it will give you good results. Repeat this process for one month to achieve beneficial results.

Cabbage is the finest remedy for obesity. The tartaric acid present in cabbage inhibits the conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates in to fat. This is very helpful in weight reduction, so substitute a meal with cabbage salad is a simplest way to stay slim.

Take two to three ripe tomatos in the early morning as a substitute of your breakfast for a couple of months. This remedy is considered safe for reducing weight. Tomatoes also reduce water retention in our body.

Green Tea
Green tea is the most popular remedy which promotes weight loss. According to studies at Penn State revealed that a compound named epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) found in green tea helps to slow down the weight gain. The EGCG increase the body's ability to use fat and also limits the fat absorption, also green tea is enriched with nutrients such as vitamin c, selenium, carotenoids, chromium, zinc and other minerals. Drinking 4 cups of green tea daily helps to combat obesity.

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