5 Home Remedies for Whiter Teeth
Sparkling white teeth are every person’s dream. Not just they enhance the beauty of your smile but also contribute to give you a magnetic personality. So you might be thinking it’s about time you should visit a dentist and finally get rid of the yellow stains. Wait a minute! You can have a glowing smile without wasting hundreds of dollars on bleaching trays and other so called whitening solutions.
Here are some easy remedies, coming out straight from your kitchen shelf and giving you a wide white smile.
Banana Peel
Banana is a fruit with many essential nutrients for the body. Who says banana peels are a waste? Next time when you are about to throw those banana peels rub them on your teeth for two minutes. After 15 minutes, brush your teeth with your regular toothpaste. Repeat this process twice or thrice a week. After some time you will notice a visible difference.
How can banana peel help to whiten teeth? Banana peel contains some essential mineral like potassium, manganese and magnesium that penetrates into the teeth and helps to whiten them.
The sweet tasting bright colored strawberries can brighten up your smile as well. All you have to do is take one to two strawberries, mash them up and apply them to your teeth for 2 to 3 minutes. After this procedure you can simply rinse off with water or you can brush your teeth. Strawberries help in two ways. Firstly, they are a rich source of natural enzyme known as malic acid. Louisa Mccan-Graves, beauty expert and author of the book, “Hollywood Beauty Sectrets: Remedies to the Rescue”, says that malic acid is the key component in many teeth whitening tooth pastes. Dentistry expert, Dr. Steven Roth says that the fiber found in strawberries act as a natural cleanser and helps remove bacteria, specifically from the mouth and teeth.
Lemon Peel and Juice
Another fruit that works as an effective teeth whitener is lemon. The high acid level contained in the peel of the lemon work as a powerful whitener or bleaching agent. Dr. Roth says, “Just as they naturally ‘bleach’ your hair, lemons will lighten and brighten your teeth,”
You can either rub the lemon peel or apply its juice to the teeth. Take lemon juice and mix with equal quantity of water e.g. if you are taking one teaspoon of lemon juice then mix it with 1 teaspoon of water. Do not use lemon for more than twice a week. The lemon being too acidic can cause tooth decay and destroy the enamel by degrading its calcium, if used very frequently.
Other fruits such as pineapple and oranges also help to keep the teeth clean.
Crunchy Carrots
Feel happy when the next time you hear the crunching sounds of the carrots in your mouth. Why? Because raw carrots are very beneficial in scrapping off plaque from your teeth and are also known as natural cleaner. Dr. Jeffrey Gross at the Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine says, “It may sound hard to believe, but some people swear that rubbing raw carrot sticks on your teeth will make them look brighter”.
They also kill the bacteria by maintaining the acid-alkaline balance of the mouth. So every time you crunch on that carrot you are getting whiter teeth along with healthy gums.
Apple and celery are also equally important as teeth whiteners. This is what Dr. Michael Apa, a specialized cosmetic dentist has to say, “These foods are high in Vitamin C, which prevents gum disease and gingivitis and kills odor-causing bacteria”.
Baking Soda
All the dental experts agree to the fact that one of the safest and strongest teeth whitener is baking soda. It is an excellent acid neutralizer and helps to remove stains while protecting the enamel. Mix a little salt with baking soda i.e. a pinch of both, apply it to your teeth with a help of a soft tooth brush. Leave it for two to three minutes and then rinse off with water. You will get white sparkling teeth in an instant(Personal experience).
There are many whitening tooth pastes available in the market containing baking soda, but if your tooth paste does not contain it you can sprinkle it on your tooth paste before brushing.
To ensure better teeth and gum health, calcium enriched dairy products such as milk and cheese can be very useful. Black tea and coffee can stain your teeth so it is better if you add a little milk to them. It is also suggested to use a straw for drinking dark beverages such as grape juice and soda. Dr. Roth says, “The straw allows food dyes to bypass teeth altogether”.
Flossing your teeth twice daily can also brighten up your teeth.
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