Steps to improve your Memory

Steps to improve your Memory

1. Organize your life
2. Exercise your brain (puzzles etc.)
3. Exercise daily (walk for 30min)
4. Redice stress & take naps
5. Eat well & eat right (fruit, veggies, fish)
6. Sleep well (also nap in afternoon)
7. Give yourself time to form a memory
8. Memorize in parts not a whole
9. Categorize information; dont berandom
10. Continually repeat what you'vememorized
11. Participate in group discussions
12. Build your memorization techniques
13. Venture out and learn from your mistakes.

Strawberry Infused Vitamin Water

Strawberry Infused Vitamin Water

Strawberry Infused Vitamin Water...

 This hydrating and antioxidant infused-water boasts flavor and skin enhancing nutrients, not to mention a beautiful presentation! Enjoy this refreshing and seasonal anti-inflammatory drink!

 1 cup strawberries
 2 cups watermelon, cubed
 2 sprigs fresh rosemary
 dash of course salt
 filtered water


 1. Muddle the strawberries and rosemary in a bowl.

 2. Add the muddled ingredients and the watermelon to a large pitcher. Pour water over the ingredients and stir.

Health and fitness Benefits of Honey and Milk.

Health and fitness Benefits of Honey and Milk

The advantages of honey and milk include healthy skin treatment and endurance development. This article elaborates the key advantages of use of milk and honey taken together.
 Skin Care: Both honey and milk have anti-microbial and cleansing properties. These features are improved when the two are taken together. Numerous solutions are prepared using milk and honey as the combination gives a glowing skin.One can also enjoy a milk and honey bath, by preparing them in equivalent amounts. The combination is used in various spas throughout the world.

 Stamina: A glass of milk and honey daily in the morning is known to improve the endurance of individuals. While milk contains necessary protein, honey contains the necessary carbohydrate food required for effective metabolic rate. Milk and honey provides strength to all such as children and old men and women.

 Anti Aging: Milk and honey combination functions not only on the skin but also on the entire body by making it agile and youthful. People in many historical cultures such as Greeks, Romans, Egyptians and Indians consumed milk and honey to preserve their youth. Since milk and honey ensure durability, the combination was known as the elixir of life.

 Anti Bacterial: Research has revealed that milk and honey have higher activity on Staphylococcus viruses than milk or honey taken alone. It is also considered that sweetie added to warm milk cures bowel problems, unwanted gas and intestinal tract circumstances. It is also good for the respiratory disorders such as cold and cough. The advantages of milk and honey to the human body are so enormous that the expression land of milk and honey meaning a place which has plenty is commonly used. Jerusalem is termed as the land of milk and honey in the Old Testament.



garlic contains sulphur and kill good or bad bacteria?

Garlic ceguyzontains almost 80 sulphur compounds. Organic sulphur is famous for its healing and infection fighting ability.

Garlic also contains an extremely powerful sulfuric compound called Allicin which is released when ever garlic cells are crushed, bruised or damaged. Allicin makes garlic one of the most popular natural alternatives to pharmaceutical antibiotics.

Life penicillin, garlic’s allicin kills:

* Bacteria
* Fungus
* Microbes and protozoa in the digestive tract
* Gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria

making it the world’s most effective and most natural broad spectrum antibiotic. It has been proven in the laboratory to kill every bacteria known, and at the same time, unlike antibiotics, it does not harm your important friendly intestinal flora bacteria.

How Raw Lady Finger Can Help in curing Diabetes?

How Raw Lady Finger Can Help in curing Diabetes?

Many people in the world are suffering from Diabetes. Here is an easy cure for diabetes. Lady finger a natural vegetable which can be used as a cure for diabetes. Instead of painful and expensive treatment available in the market

Lady Finger An Easy Cure For Diabetes
How To Control Diabetes From Lady Finger?
Here is the simple tip to control diabetes from lady finger. Take two or three lady fingers. Cut them from the centre and put them into the glass full with the water. Leave them for the full night. In the morning remove lady finger and drink the water before breakfast. Repeating the same process every day will help you to reduce your sugar level. This simple tips is better than many other painful treatments. Fresh lady finger is better than cooked one.

How Raw Lady Finger Can Help in curing Diabetes?

Low G.I Food:
the word G.I stands for Glycemic index. The person who is suffering from diabetes should take diet enriched in Glycemic index. Approximately 20 G.I is present in okra. That is very low. Diabetic patients can easily use Okra recipes as their meal to fill their stomach and also control their diabetic level.

Fight Kidney Diseases:
lady finger is also good to prevent your body from different kidney diseases. It is considered that high sugar level effect your both kidneys badly. So by taking okra daily will prevent your kidneys. Have an moderate amount of okra daily if you are a diabetic person.

Soluble Fibers:
Soluble fibers are very important to keep your kidneys healthy. They play their role in digestion of carbohydrates. Lady finger is enriched with soluble fibers. It slow down the digestion process and hence lower the sugar level in blood. These are some of the main reasons for you to select lady finger as a diet to control diabetes. — with Maria Migdalia Galarza, Essen Junio, Vangie Bringas-Quisay Pico, Janien Junio and Archana Roy Burman.

Meet Elif Bilgin: Banana-peels Bioplastic

Meet Elif Bilgin: Banana-peels Bioplastic

Meet Elif Bilgin: Banana-peels Bioplastic

Turkish student-scientist Elif Bilgin, from Istanbul, has spent two years experimenting with ways to produce a bioplastic out of used banana peels—and now her really hard work has paid off.

Bilgin is the winner of the 2013 $50,000 Science in Action award from the Google Science Fair. The young scientist says that the banana bioplastic could be used for the electrical insulation of cables.

Her hope, big picture-wise, is that bioplastics could one day replace petroleum-based plastics that harm the environment in oh-so many ways, including constituting 90 percent of all trash floating on the ocean’s surface. That’s 46,000 pieces of plastic per square mile!


The reason for ingrown toe-nails

The reason for ingrown toe-nails

The reason for ingrown toe-nails could vary among many such as wearing tight shoes or socks or trimming toenails improperly.

Fill up a basin with 8 liters of water and several teaspoon of salt, stir until it dissolves. Then soak your foot for 20 minutes daily until the redness disappears. The hot water will soften the skin around the ingrown nail and the salt will help combat the infection and reduce the swelling.

After 20 minutes, wash off the salt with warm, soapy water and let it dry., immediately put on a clean pair of socks to reduce the risk of infection.

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Did you know ! Why Gums Bleed? Weird Reasons

Did you know ! Why Gums Bleed? Weird Reasons

Are you sick and tired of looking at your toothbrush with blood on it? If you are seeing blood when you brush your teeth, this means that you are having an oral problem. There are a lot of people who suffer from bleeding gums and it is a problem which can be rectified if you follow proper oral health.
You might be confused as to how you have suddenly developed bleeding gums, when you take all precautions in maintaining good oral care.
If you have bleeding gums and do not know how it happened, then read this. Here are some of the weird reasons to know why you may have developed bleeding gums. There are other reasons too for this oral problem, which your dentist can explain to you further if the case is severe.
This blood on your toothbrush is not something which you should ignore. Occasional bleeding gums can also occur if coarse foods scratch your gums. But, if this oral problem regularly shows up then it is time you get medical assistance from a dentist.
However, there are some weird reasons which can cause bleeding gums. Take a look at some of these possible reasons, which might be the answer to your question


Are you shocked? Yes, smoking is one of the weird reasons for bleeding gums. If you are smoking, you are at a higher risk of experiencing bleeding gums. It is said that smoking tends to cause an increase in periodontal disease. Through the inhalation of smoke, it will leave irritating toxins on the teeth which is difficult to remove through oral hygiene. Therefore, these unhealthy substances will cause the gums to bleed since it is aggravated.


Not following a proper diet will lead to bad oral health. If you eat well, it will boost the integrity of the entire immune system. It will also help to nourish the oral soft tissues, which is the most vulnerable part in the body.


During this happy period, women generally face a lot of unhappy situations as well. Due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, there are chances of having bleeding gums. Hormonal changes in pregnancy increase the risk of developing gingivitis or periodontitis


One of the main reasons for bleeding gums is gingivitis. The plaque and its cavity causing bacteria build up on your teeth and gums, and thus becomes inflamed. There are a number of people who ignore gingivitis since it is not painful. Like the saying, out of sight out of mind!


If you brush too hard, you are hurting your gums. Our gums is a soft tissue. If you traumatize them with a hard bristle toothbrush, you will make them swell, thus leading to bleeding.


If you are in a constant state of agitation and anxiety it will lead to bleeding gums and other gum diseases. Due to stress, the gums become inflamed and the blood vessels break down the soft tissue in the mouth.


Have you ever wondered why the dentist asks if you have started any new medications? It is said that there are some medications which raise the risk of bleeding gums.


Did you know that your passionate kiss will trigger bleeding gums! Gum disease is transferred from one person to another through saliva. It is sad, because this is one area where sharing is not caring!

How To Increase Height

How To Increase Height

Height has always been a matter of concern for all of us. People of short height often suffer from low confidence and inferiority complex when they come face to face with their taller counterparts. While, there are a range of products available in the market that promise height increase, they often don’t work as intended. Mostly, height depends on genes and on the right kind of food and proper exercise to some extent. Men continue to grow till the age of twenty five whereas women attain there full height by the age of eighteen or nineteen.

Height is regulated by a kind of hormone called the Human Growth Hormone (HGH). It is secreted by the pituitary gland which increases the body height. Therefore, it is recommended to take foods that help the HGH function.

Learn How To Grow Taller 3 - 4 Inches Within 2 Months!

List of Height Increasing Food
Though the body height is determined genetically, it is also a well-known fact that growth depends on certain external factors and nutrition is one of them. Poor height can be a result of slow growth due to inadequate nutrition. Thus, following a balanced diet is absolutely essential for improving growth prospects, particularly during the adolescence years to get a well-built body. Proper food and exercise is required to achieve the optimum height and body weight. Ensure that your body gets different types of nutrients in order to build strong muscles, ligaments and tendons. A lot of calcium, minerals, vitamins and proteins should be included in your diet. Here is what you need to your diet to increase height.

A. Proteins:
Proteins are the building blocks of our body and thus can help increase height by building various tissues. There contain amino acids which are designed for growth hormones and are essential for maintaining healthy bones, muscles, tissues, organs, skin and teeth. They also act as enzymes which stimulate the biochemical reactions of the body such as digestion, respiration and excretion. Lack of protein can cause several health problems like muscle mass loss, abnormal growth, weak immune system and inadequate mental development.

Therefore, carbohydrates should be replaced with foods that are rich in protein such as fish, eggs, milk and legumes.Protein is a necessary ingredient in a food to increase height.

B. Minerals

Foods containing minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, fluoride, iodine, iron and manganese also play an important role in increasing height and body growth.

Calcium is a vital mineral essential for the growth and maintenance of strong bones. Carbonated drinks, excessive salts, sugar, fat and coffee should be restricted as they act as calcium inhibitors, thus adversely affecting your growth. Illegal drugs and excessive smoking can also stunt your growth and have other detrimental effects on your health.

C. Vitamins:

Vitamin D is vital for the development of strong and healthy bones and its deficiency can result in impaired growth, weak bones and short statute. Moreover, it is required by the body for the absorption of calcium. Apart from vitamin D, other vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 or riboflavin, vitamin C or ascorbic acid and vitamin F are also required for normal growth. These are mostly contained in fruits and vegetables.

Given below is the list of foods which can help you in increasing your height naturally.

1. Milk:

Calcium is vital for the growth and maintenance of strong bones and acts as a height booster. Milk is an excellent source of calcium. Besides, it has vitamin A which preserves calcium in the body. It also contains protein which helps in building our cells. Milk can be easily digested and facilitates maximum assimilation of proteins. Skimmed milk is free from fat and contains 100% protein. At least 2 to 3 glasses of milk is recommended daily.

2. Dairy Foods:
In addition to milk, dairy foods should also be consumed for having an effect on height. Dairy foods such as cheese, paneer, yoghurt, whipping cream and ice cream are rich in vitamins A, B, D and E. They also contain protein and calcium. Vitamin D and calcium are essential for growth. Deficiency in vitamin D can result in low height gain. Getting adequate calcium is also important, particularly during puberty.

3. Fruits and Vegetables:

Besides increasing height, fruits and vegetables play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. They are a great source of vitamins, fibre, potassium and folates. Vitamin A helps in the development of bones and tissues. Fruits such as cantaloupes, grapefruit, papaya, mango, passion fruit, watermelon and apricots are abundant in vitamin A. Vitamin A is also found in vegetables like carrots, peas, pumpkin, broccoli, spinach, cabbages, sweet potato etc. Besides, citrus fruits, berries, potatoes and tomatoes also contain vitamin C which help in healthy growth of bones and contributes to the height of a person.

4. Chicken:

Chick is one of the highest sources of proteins among animal foods. In fact, it provides greater amount of proteins to the body for building tissues and muscles.

5. Beef:
Apart from chicken, beef is also an important source of proteins but also contains fat which increases the cholesterol level.

6. Starches and Grains:

Starches and grains are the main sources of energy in our body. Besides, they provide vitamin B, fibre, iron, magnesium and selenium. Since they provide the required calories, their consumption should be increased, especially during puberty, when children go through a rapid growth phase. Brown rice, popcorn, whole wheat and whole-grain pasta are beneficial for proper growth.

7. Eggs:

Eggs are also a good source of proteins. Their white albumen has 100% protein but you should avoid the yoke as it contains fat. Eggs also contain vitamin B2, which is also known as riboflavin. In order to increase height, 3 to 6 eggs should be taken on a daily basis

8. Soybeans:

Soybeans contain the highest proteins among all the vegetarian foods. The pure protein contained in soybeans, improve bone and tissue mass. For increasing height, 50 grams of soybeans are recommended every day. Vegetarians can fulfil their protein requirements from soybeans which are extremely nutritious.

9. Oatmeal:
Oatmeal is also a wonderful source of plant protein. It helps in increasing muscle mass and decreasing fat. It is advisable to take 50 grams of oatmeal for breakfast every day.

10. Coral Calcium:
As the name suggests, coral calcium is obtained from sea corals. It helps in increasing bone mass, thus causing the bones to grow in length. This calcium should be taken at an early age to reap the maximum results.

Thus, height is a genetic factor but it can also be significantly influenced by proper nutrition. Eating healthy food together with adequate physical activity can contribute in a great way in increasing your height.


Stay hydrated. Drink plenty water and milk to promote stronger bones. Even slight dehydration causes many problems, such as: lack of energy and irritability.
Drink lots of milk and eat nuts for a source of protein that helps promote bone length and strength.
Hanging from a bar helps really stretch the body.
Keep moving around, being active, but stay well rested. Walking is a better solution than running or jogging.
Don't do drugs, as they may affect your growth.
If you're young, do exercises such as push ups, sit ups, etc., as they are low risk but just as effective.
You're taller in the morning than in the evening by up to a full inch. This is due to decompression of spine discs, after you lie sleeping in horizontal position for many hours. After standing up for a few hours, you will lose that height. So when measuring yourself, count your evening height as your 'official' height.
Remember, love your body the way it is. Be proud of who you are and be comfortable in your own skin.
When sleeping keep your neck and back straight. But don't keep them too straight or you might experience some pain. Do not use an extremely hard bed; use memory foam beds, if possible.
Don't lift weights unless you're 18 years old and up. Don't lift heavy weights (they can damage your spine and can be dangerous).

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